
Welkom bij de Pers

Op deze pagina geef ik alle artikels / video's weer die zijn verschenen in de Engelse pers van verschillende RAFBF-projecten en evenementen waar ik aan mee heb gewerkt.

  1. The Memorial Bomber Command

  • Zie hier deze video van de British Forces News (ik verschijn achter Lord Ashcroft in de achtergrond)

  • Krantenartikel in de Dailymail over de persconferentie op 28/03/2012 (de vallende 'poppies' zijn op die door mij in de lucht gesmeten)

  • Krantenartikel in de Express over diezelfde persconferentie op 28/03/2012

  • De officiĆ«le website van Bomber Command

  • Krantenartikel in de Stamford Mercury van de tweede persconferentie in mei

  • Hier een artikel dat meegegeven werd in folders voor de laatste persconferentie aan de Engelse pers. Dit werd ter verduidelijking meegegeven indien de journalisten nog vragen hadden. 



DATE: Wednesday 9th May
Time: 10.00 AM
Location: RAF Club. 128 Piccadilly, London followed by Bomber Command Construction Site, Green Park, London.

Lord Ashcroft KCMG, international businessman, author and philanthropist, with a significant interest in military history, especially in bravery, has donated the last £1million towards the construction of the Bomber Command Memorial and visited the Memorial construction site for the first time today. He joined a press briefing with the Bomber Command Association, which has led the project to date, and the Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund, which take guardianship of the Memorial from the 28th June. 

Bomber Command Association Chairman, Malcolm White, described how the generous donation of £1 million from Lord Ashcroft and the commitment of the RAF Benevolent Fund to care for the Memorial in future were the final commitments needed to build the Memorial.  Representing the organisation that has driven the campaign to get the funds and permissions for the Memorial to be built, he thanked Lord Ashcroft and Sir Rob Wright of the RAF Benevolent Fund, for their critical contributions.

Malcolm White said, “Without Lord Ashcroft’s incredibly generous donation and the support of the RAF Benevolent Fund in taking on the guardianship of the Memorial, the Memorial would not have been built and we would not be 8 weeks away from its completion.  I cannot thank them enough.”

Lord Ashcroft then visited the site for the first time, where work has now started on the roof.  The design for the roof, inspired by the geodetic construction used in the Vickers Wellington bomber, incorporates sections of aluminium recovered from a Handley Page Halifax III bomber (LW682 from No. 426 squadron) shot down over Belgium on the night of 12 May 1944, in which 8 crew were killed.

Lord Ashcroft said, “I am delighted to have played a part in helping to right a wrong.  With this memorial, the courage and self-sacrifice of air crews, who faced some of the most terrifying combat conditions of the Second World War, will be recognised for ever more.  Rarely, if ever, can any group of servicemen have been more deserving of a permanent memorial to their outstanding courage.”

2. Airplay 

Zoals bij de Projecten al reeds gezegd, is dit project van de RAFBF een geslaagd project. Bij de opening in Odiham van zo een Airplay kwamen er enkele lokale persagentschappen en radio. Hier de lokale BBC die mijn collega Paul Hewson is aan het interviewen. 
Deze reportage kan ik niet vanuit BelgiĆ« bekijken waardoor ik deze foto heb genomen. 

Er zijn uiteraard meer artikels gepubliceerd over de Bomber Command en Airplay, maar dit zijn de belangrijkste. De persagentschappen die meestal aanwezig waren waren Daily Express, BBC, Itv en The Times. 

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